Thank you notes, and written notes in general, are somewhat of a lost art in 2018. Phone calls, for that matter, are endangered species. Emails and text messages have replaced the once common, day to day forms of communication.
Long gone are the days where “The check is in the mail.” was an acceptable excuse. Now, there is Venmo – heck, you can even text money. Speed is not only common but expected in today’s world. Communication has also become very fast and impersonal, as everyone can communicate with their little computers in their pockets! This has hurt the personal forms of communication; written letters to be chief of them all.
But all is not lost!
Written letters have gained much more meaning as it’s becoming increasingly rarer to mail something with a stamp on it. As a business person, a thank you note should be a norm, not a specialty. Even a small thing someone does for you should be followed up with a Thank You note. Always follow up a business meeting with a thank you note. No hesitation. Don’t wait too long, do it as soon as you return to your office and drop it off in the closest mailbox. If you’re prepared, you could even mail the letter at the front desk of your hotel and have the letter beat you home.
I assure you, it will make your customer, or business partner, feel the love and show you care! The best part is, it is so cheap and so easy.