8 Sep

Final Quarter (and about a month) left in the Year

By A.J. Titus In News

This year has been a blur for me, I’m sure it’s the same for you. It felt like it has taken ages to get here yet we are almost through. We are now through with the first week in September and I want to challenge you to finish strong for the remainder of the year. What goals have you reset? What do you want to accomplish? What needs to be done before you get into the new year? What is needed to accomplish those goals? Don’t walk through the next few months to get to the new year, you can get a lot done now. You have a lot of time left, make the most of it! 3 things, one a month (and the rest of September for buffer). Set 3 things as the goal to accomplish. If you set them and work towards them each day during the month  you will get it done.


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