4 Oct

Being Present

By A.J. Titus In News
Being Present

Think about the most influential people in your life. What did they do to make you feel the way you did about them? What was something that stood out to you? We would each say different people and reasons, but I will guarantee you that the number one reason is that they were “there for you” or “present” when it mattered most.

It’s like the time you were in high school playing in a basketball game and you looked into the stands and you saw your dad there after he had just flown back into town. That is being present, that is meaningful. It’s not only being there for the big moments like graduations, weddings, etc. It’s about being present in the little ones.

Being present and making time for the people you love has a huge impact on people’s lives, no matter how small the moment may seem! This directly translates to business also. Don’t only come calling for the big work – cultivate your relationship with the little work. Go face to face every once in a while, not just on the phone. Share little reminders of what you can do throughout the year. Do not look down on someone because you don’t think they will be a great customer, don’t play God!

When you meet with them, treat them as if they are the only thing happening right then and there. Don’t look at your phone, your watch, or act in any way that may make the other person feel as if they don’t matter. Nothing says “I don’t care” more than being cheap with your time. Be present with customers and care!


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