A couple weeks ago now, the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire. The flames raged and burned the historic building for nearly 15 hours. The whole world watched to see the icon burn and waited to hear what happened to the treasures inside. The fire was put out and a majority of the priceless treasures were saved. Christians and non-Christians all looked at the cathedral, burnt and devastated, with the same general reaction, we must rebuild it. There have already been hundreds of millions of dollars donated from major corporations, organizations and billionaires. I overheard someone talking about it the other day, and their response was, “Imagine if they gave that money to people who need it other than a building.” On the surface this is so true. We should care about people way before physical objects. Just the swiftness of the response would give me pause. But we need to keep in mind the inspiration that these types of monuments bring to people, and the value that brings. People of all walks of life, non-Christians and Christians, were saddened because they were inspired by the beauty, architecture and the pure longstanding of such a building. That has value and is worth investing in and preserving for the next generation.