The Importance of Follow Up

The Importance of Follow Up

What if I told you that a simple thing that you can do might be the difference between you getting the sale or losing the sale? It is something that anyone can do every day and that everyone is more than capable of doing – Following up. It’s simple but it makes...
Being Present

Being Present

Think about the most influential people in your life. What did they do to make you feel the way you did about them? What was something that stood out to you? We would each say different people and reasons, but I will guarantee you that the number one reason is that...
The Importance of a Thank You Note

The Importance of a Thank You Note

Thank you notes, and written notes in general, are somewhat of a lost art in 2018. Phone calls, for that matter, are endangered species. Emails and text messages have replaced the once common, day to day forms of communication. Long gone are the days where “The check...
Family Comes First

Family Comes First

The mantra “family comes first” is something I have heard my whole life and it is a core value of mine. My mom and dad insisted that we get home for dinner time together as a family every night. We always did things together and encouraged other families to do the...
Make Time for Peace: Finding a Work-Life Balance

Make Time for Peace: Finding a Work-Life Balance

The world we live in can get crazy and it never ends. There are always things to do, always problems to solve and always something more that can be done. Your to-do list can seem like it never ends and as soon as your cross something off of it, you are adding 5 more...