The Power of a Gift

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The Power of a Gift

I previously wrote about the importance of writing a note or thank you card. This is important in the electronic age where communication is almost as easy as breathing.

Another thing I recommend you look into in order to be noticed and grow your reputation with an employee, customer, or even a prospect is a gift. I’m not talking about getting someone a trip to Europe or an expensive watch, I’m talking about something that someone uses day to day that reminds them of you (the gift giver). Consider items such as a nice pen, a piece of sports memorabilia for a team they love that will sit on that person’s desk, or even a clock for their office.

Not sure what to give? What are things that will stick around and will remind that customer to call you when they need your product or service? Gift giving is an art. It’s not about spending the most money or doing it often – it’s about giving the right gift at the right time.

Keep in mind that you can do the gift giving at any time. It doesn’t have to be exclusively for someone’s birthday or during the holidays. If there’s someone who has really gone above and beyond on your team this month, maybe it’s a good time to say thank you with a token of your appreciation. Timing and the reason for the gift are completely up to you.

I travel a lot for work and my wife’s love language is gift giving (and receiving). When I travel, I’m not expected to bring home a gift but my wife sure appreciates it when I do. What has become somewhat of a “tradition” for us is when I travel to Texas, I bring home a half dozen donuts from her favorite donut place growing up, Shipley’s Do-nuts. It’s not an expensive gift nor does it require a ton of effort – all I have to do is lug it on the plane but it shows her I care, that I thought about her, and most importantly, it makes her smile.

What is that gift for someone in your life? How can you make that person remember you? As Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

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